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1-805-699-6834 1515 State St, Suites 4 & 7, Santa Barbara, CA 93101
FANOS Couples Check In

FANOS Couples Check In

FANOS: Couples Sharing Exercise I often give this exercise to couples who come to see me for therapy. They want to connect with one another, but benefit from some structure. I love FANOS because it starts with asking participants to…

What is Love Addiction?

What is Love Addiction?

Delving into Love Addiction Love addiction is a complex phenomenon that manifests as fixations and compulsions within romantic relationships, often leading to unhealthy behaviors and emotional turmoil. Those grappling with love addiction may prioritize the needs of their partners over…

Addiction and Intimate Relationships

Addiction and Intimate Relationships

Anyone with a partner affected by addiction can tell you it is hard to love them. Bad behavior, poor choices, and the ever-increasing list of negative consequences can tear down even the most loving and committed relationship. When you love…

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