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1-805-699-6834 1515 State St, Suites 4 & 7, Santa Barbara, CA 93101
Relationship to Pleasure

Relationship to Pleasure

Leave to Come Home… I recently spent time in the desert—visiting a handful of friends and family who have made it their part time home. I noticed a shift as I entered city limits. The energy is light and joyful.…

In the Flesh vs. On the Screen

In the Flesh vs. On the Screen

In our modern, digital age, the accessibility of porn has changed how we approach sexuality in the flesh and if we prioritize humans over screens. While porn consumption is often seen as a private, harmless activity, its effects can be…

Attachment Strategies in the Bedroom

Attachment Strategies in the Bedroom

There’s a long-standing joke that therapy starts with “tell me about your mother.” While everything doesn’t come back to that single caregiver, much of our worldview does hinge on how we were raised and shown care. Unconscious expectations and perceptions are deeply…

The Function of Sex

The Function of Sex

One of the questions I often ask my clients is why – simply why do you want to have a different or “better” s*x life? It seems like a given that everybody would want this, and yet most people don’t stop to…

P*rn: In Good Times or in Bad

P*rn: In Good Times or in Bad

Hot Potato Porn Porn is a loaded topic. It sits squarely between the two hats I wear professionally: sex therapist and sex addictiontherapist. For some, porn is lubricant for letting go. Albeit tragically unrealistic, it often provides a welcome spark…

Book Recommendations

Book Recommendations

Embarking on a journey of self-discovery and enhancing intimacy within your relationships is a profound and empowering experience. This week, we bring you a curated list of books that delve into the realms of passion, polyamory, kink, s*x, communication, and…

The Psychology of Faking It

The Psychology of Faking It

Org*sms are not always easy to achieve—especially for women. They (mostly) require some or all of the following: focus, communication, patience, vulnerability. They also require that women put their own pleasure as a priority in the dynamic. This isn’t as…

Good Vibrations

Good Vibrations

I’m currently reading Betty Dodson’s Sex for One. I am delighted by her evangelism for the pursuit of pleasure. Starting in the late 1960s, Dodson, an artist, turned her focus toward eroticism. She began drawing nudes, and she had several…

Handling Sexual Rejection

Handling Sexual Rejection

We’ve all been there. In fact, we’ve likely been on both sides of the no, and neither side is easy. You and your partner are feeling frisky, and the interest seems to be mutual and building in heat. And then…

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